Our History.

The Romanian Mission Chicago understands the importance of understanding our history - where we come from, the struggles our people have faced, and the determination it took to develop a strong and vibrant community.

We hope to continue to inspire positive change within the Romanian community, here in Chicagoland and in Romania, for generations to come.


Recovering from our Communist Past

The Romanian Mission of Chicago was formed in 1990 to help the Romanian people recover from the collapse of the communist regime. Teams of volunteers collected food, clothes, medical supplies, and educational materials to help rebuild churches, clinics, and schools in Romania.

We then realized many Romanians were allowed to immigrate to the United States, specifically to Chicago, and that our local Romanian neighbors also needed our help.

Today, over 70,000 Romanians live in Chicago, and our community is only growing stronger with the continuous help and generous contribution of supports like you.


Building a Strong Romanian Community

Since the beginning our commitment to the Romanian people has been based on our 7 Ways to Love Romania:

  1. Pray for the people of Romania

  2. Adopt a church

  3. Adopt a family

  4. Sponsor a Student

  5. Send Containers

  6. Spread the Gospel

  7. Visit the country of Romania


Promote a Brighter Future for Romania

Today The Romanian Mission Chicago has partnered with the American Red Cross office of Chicago, the congressman’s office of Rod Blagojovich, United Way Gifts in Kind, Habitat for Humanity, and The Greater Chicago Food Depository to name a few.

Together we have helped the elderly, children, and families in need within the Romanian community - both here in Chicago and in Romania - with shelter, clothing, furniture, education materials, translation support, transportation, immigration support.

With your help and support we can continue to do much more.